We Offer Various Savings Products
To Meet Your Needs

Ask About A Product That’s Right For You





Personal Money Market Account

Earn interest while you save

  • $200 minimum balance to open
  • Interest paid on all balances
  • Interest begins to accrue on first business day of deposit
  • Interest will be compounded and credited to your account every month
  • Transaction Limitations: You may make no more than six preauthorized withdrawals, automatic or telephone transfers, checks, drafts, and debit card and similar transactions from your account per month or statement cycle.

Personal Savings Account

Traditional savings

  • $100 minimum balance to open
  • Interest will be compounded and credited to your account every month
  • Transaction Limitations: You may make no more than six preauthorized withdrawals, automatic or telephone transfers, checks, drafts, and debit card and similar transactions from your account per month or statement cycle.

Certificates of Deposit

  • Variety of Terms
  • Attractive market rates